Fu grazie alla lungimiranza e all’impegno di Angelo Rizzoli che, negli anni ’50, sorse L’Albergo della Regina Isabella. Il celebre editore e produttore cinematografico, incantato dai luoghi e dalla tradizione delle Terme, realizzò l’attuale complesso termale e l’omonimo albergo sulle antiche rovine greco-romane. Pochi anni dopo la sua fondazione, L’Albergo della Regina Isabella divenne fulcro della mondanità, del costume e della cultura. E miti come Richard Burton, Liz Taylor, Maria Callas, Alberto Sordi, William Holden animarono le sue stagioni più felici, facendo dell’Albergo una delle più ambite mete glamour. Anche negli ultimi anni, il mondo dello spettacolo, quello degli affari, della politica e della cultura gravitano intorno all’Albergo, attirati dai prestigiosi appuntamenti ischitani.
Torna l'inverno, torna l'Alchemie!Tante le novità di questa nuova stagione, ma sempre la stessa passione e qualità. SALA ALCHEMIE, con Dj Gaetano Esposito & Dj FRENKY DP, Voice Vin Twin - FRIENDS CLUB: Dj AlisaInfo e prenotazione tavoli:Alchemie Fri
The Institution, promoted and strongly supported by Mgr. Onofrio Buonocore, also author of numerous publications on the island of Ischia, in 1956, then formed into a charitable trust, has now become "Library". The necessary restoration works have startedlately the safe recovery of this important Cultural Centre, the only one of its kind existing in the island of Ischia. It is located in "La Mandra" in Ischia Ponte, at the Church of St. Anthony of the Friars Minor, whence the name "Anttoniana", which has rightly been retained in the new configuration. Opening hours: Monday: 9:00 to 13:00 Tuesday: 9:00 to 13:00 / 16:30 to 18:30 Wednesday: 9:00 to 13:00 / 16:30 to 18:30 Thursday: 9:00 to 13:00 / 16:30 to 18:30 Friday: 9:00 to 13:00 / 16:30 to 18:30 Tel. and fax: 081 3333255 e-mail: biblioischia@libero.it
The arena is located on the hill of Cretaio. One of the most scenic location of the island of Ischia. It is possible to book excursions on horseback every day of the week. It will teach children and adults. For fans of P.S.A. you can visit our small farm.
The Aragonese Castle stands on a trachytic rocky islet connected to the eastern side of the island of Ischia by a stone bridge 220 meters long. The bedrock is geologically defined "dome of stagnation" and is equivalent to a bubble of magma, which has beenconsolidated during the eruptions of the most far-reaching. It reaches a height of 113 meters above sea level and has a surface area of about 56,000 square meters. The access is through a trail or through a modern lift installed at the end of the 70s. The trail is developed, for the first part, in a tunnel dug into the rock (by the will of Alfonso I of Aragon in the middle of the fifteenth century) and then goes outdoors until you reach the highest part where the Male is.