Mariolino, the artist of the way
I find it leaning against the wall of his “puteca”** with the eye of the beholder, giving the impression of a gruff, although who knows him knows that his personality aggregates ideas, friendships, events, that is much communicative in interpersonal relationships as given on what concerns his relationship with art: artist Mariolino Capuano of the way.
For this innocent chat he greets me in his "puteca" with that initial distrust, typical of the artists, and then melt and demonstrate its solar sympathy, typical of whom is artist and modest at the same time.

Gina and the sense of life
The senses of the human person are five: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Where and how do they express better these “senses” up to make the “sense” of life? Gina Menegazzi has asked the question many years ago and gave her answer with her life choice. I met her on a Sunday in November on the pier that connects the village of Ischia Ponte, the ancient Borgo of Celsa, with the Aragonese Castle, the most important monument of the island of Ischia, which contains all its thousand-year history.

Christmas for Geoffrey and Kittredge
It was Christmas of 1930. Two young Anglo-Saxon people belonging to the middle class, Geoffrey Bret - Harte, half American and half English, 35, and Mabel Kittredge Spencer, American, both in love with the ?Bel Paese? with the pleasure of writing, they get married in Naples in May of the same year and had decided to spend a year on their honeymoon on the island of Ischia, then little known in the international tourist circuits. In fact they discovered Ischia from Capri.

Christmas in Music
The warning is mandatory: if you feel like the old Scrooge of Dickens, and in December come assaulted by an uncontrollable urge to take the elves of Santa Claus and bury them all with a branch of holly planted in your heart, you should be away from these lines. The music of the holidays, you know, cannot escape the inevitable triumph of bells, reindeer and snowflakes. Even at tropical latitudes.