Marine Protected Area

Information note: Marine Protected Area there are four areas where it is forbidden to enter, the two areas in the integral reserve areas and the two BNT dedicated exclusively to diving. For other areas, B, C and D there are special rules for boating, fishing and water activities.
All these activities are regulated, even if not present in the diagram, and, is required authorization. Permits may be weekly, monthly or yearly, and for them it is necessary to contact Ente Manager, by phone or through email. Link to site
Eligible assets: relief work and surveillance; service activities performed on behalf of the managing entity, the activities of scientific research being duly authorized by the managing entity.
Permitted activities: the activities allowed in Zone A; bathing; underwater guided tours, organized by diving centers authorized by the operator, scuba diving, sailing at a speed not exceeding 5 knots within the distance of 300 m from the coast, and at speeds no greater than 1O nodes within the stretch of sea between 300 and 600 m away from the coast, only in displacement structure, access, units sailing, rowing, pedal or electric propulsion system, access, vessels, other than personal watercraft or jet skis and other similar materials, and vessels in line with the requirements of eco-compatibility, access, to craft, for 12 months from the date of publication of this Regulation; access, naval units for transporting passengers and guided tours, authorized by the management, access, resources and line service, authorized by the operator; to the mooring boats and vessels, at locations identified by the operator using the fields provided buoys, positioned with the need to protect the seabed, the exercise of the small-scale fishing, private fishing enterprises which operate both individually and as cooperatives, which are incorporated in the municipalities within the marine protected area, and members of these cooperatives included on the same date of each cooperative, the fishing tourism, private fishing enterprises which operate individually, is a cooperative, with registered offices in municipalities within the marine protected area, and members of these cooperatives included on the same date of each cooperative, 'and mussel aquaculture, with the approval of the managing entity, reserved exclusively for concessions existing at the date of this Order; fishing, only with pole and line, with the approval of the managing and reserved for residents of municipalities within the marine protected area.
ZONA B n t
Restricted Activities: professional fishing sports practiced by any means, aquaculture and mussel farming, scuba diving with breathing apparatus, diving centers organized by the prior authorization of the operator.
Permitted activities: the activities allowed in Zone A and B, access to recreational vessels in line with the requirements of eco-compatibility, the mooring pleasure craft in line with the requirements of eco-compatibility, at locations identified by managing institute through special fields buoys, positioned with the need to protect the seabed; fishing, reserved for residents of municipalities within the marine protected area, sport fishing, only with pole and line, prior authorization of the manager, for non-residents in the municipalities within the marine protected area.
Permitted activities: the activities allowed in Zone A; bathing; underwater guided tours, organized by diving centers authorized by the operator, scuba-diving. Access to naval sailing, rowing, pedal or engine with electric access, vessels, other than personal watercraft or jet skis and other similar materials, and vessels in line with the requirements of environmental compatibility, access, to craft, for 12 months from the date of publication of "This Regulation; access, the naval units for transporting passengers and guided tours, authorized by the management, access, resources and line service, authorized by the operator, the aquaculture and the mussel, with the approval of the managing entity, reserved exclusively for existing concessions to date of this Decree; access to recreational vessels in line with the requirements of environmentally friendly (navigation, speed not exceeding 10 knots exclusively in displacement structure, mooring and anchoring; operation of small fishing craft and fishing, with tools provided by the Ministerial Decree of 14 September 1999, with the exclusion of other ferrettara and drift nets, private firms fisheries which operate both individually and cooperatively, with registered offices in the municipalities within the marine protected area and members of these cooperatives on the same date entered in the register of each cooperative, the seine fishery, with the approval of management authority, exercised with type networks and ciancialo lampara, bottom trawling, prior authorization of the manager, sport fishing, only with pole and line, the observation of cetaceans and the association the presence of marine mammals.