Dear Santa
The wishes of the editorial staff of Ischia.it waiting for the birth of the Child Jesus ...
Dear Baby Jesus,
Our editing is 23, thanks to you, we were born in a wonderful land, indeed, miraculous ......
we have the sea that embraces us and protects us, the mountain that dominates us with green slopes and lush woods, a fertile countryside rich in every fruit and vegetable, hot springs 365 days a year.

Ischia Teatro Festival
Se la televisione arranca, trascinandosi dietro anche la stampa, e il cinema boccheggia, sfiatato tra il monopolio produttivo e la povertà di idee, il teatro dovrebbe essere già sprofondato, dimenticato, finito. L’abbiamo ereditato come una lieve tara congenita, un difetto di famiglia che solo rarissime morfologie sanno trasformare in pregio. Eppure in ogni paese, scuola o parrocchia ci sono ancora i filodrammatici, compagnie che sudano, studiano, provano e spesso s’inventano qualcosa di nuovo per (re)stare in bilico sulle assi di un palcoscenico. A Ischia il teatro, inteso come casa, non esisteva, non c’era. Cinquant’anni di esibizioni hanno regalato al pubblico suggestioni e sogni, ma senza uno spazio proprio dove custodirle. Si è combattuta una lunga battaglia, con motivazioni talvolta controverse, per avere un teatro, o quanto meno un luogo dove si va a vedere uno spettacolo pagando un biglietto. Uno spazio culturale e artistico al servizio di una crescita consapevole della comunità e di un percorso formativo fatto di competenze, passione, curiosità e quel senso civico indispensabile per ampliare gli orizzonti della nostra identità di cittadini.

?It is put the manger, bring the hay, are carried away the ox and the ass. It honors therein simplicity, poverty is exalted, people hear the humility and Greccio becomes almost a new Bethlehem?.
Therefore, Tommaso from Celano, chronicler of the life of St. Francis, describes the first living representation of the Nativity in 1223 that the Saint realized in Greccio, in the province of Rieti. Since that date, the kind of symbolism was widely understood at all levels, especially within families for which the representation of the birth of Jesus, such as figurines and items taken from the wild. It is an essential ritual, which reached its peak in the eighteenth century, when raised the great traditions of crib, and there was the impressive development of the cribs sculpted. Especially in Naples where the art of pottery with its statues covered with garments of fine fabrics and glittering jewelry authentic, became a real school and cradle of the spread of the crib.

Nativity at high altitude
On our island are so many events that draw the attention and offer moments of pure enchantment, moments that reconcile one with life and give one the joy of living the atmosphere of times gone by. One of these is undoubtedly that of the commemoration of the birth of Jesus at the Hermitage of St. Nicola, which stands on top of Mount Epomeo that even during these Christmas holidays will repeat on January 5 2015. The canvas is repeated year to year, but the experience is always new and different, attracting tourists and villagers who want to escape the chaos of everyday life for the fresh air and peace. Appointment is at 10:00 at Fontana in Piazza IV Novembre to climb all together Mount Epomeo. The bell, with its ancient sound, will bring together the pilgrims, and at 11:00 am, pastor can. Don Giovanni Trofa celebrate Mass during which they will perform Christmas music and sing the ancient “Ninna Nanna” of the folk tradition, written by the parish priest Msgr. Giovanni Mazzella at the end of ‘800. Immediately after all there will be the opportunity to refresh themselves with local food, washed down with wine, white and red, from the cellars of Cesare Mattera, former mayor of the highest and convinced municipality of the island and proud farmer and staunch defender of homegrown traditions.