The tasty island
by Isabella Marino
"This morning we want to have a belly of figs!" King Ferdinand IV had not yet tasted them that year, although they were far from rare in the countryside of his vast estates. Therefore he had welcomed with particular pleasure the gift that the Chosen of the City of Ischia had wanted to give him for his first visit to the island in that summer of 1783. As a delegation, they had climbed on purpose on the royal pacbotto, at anchor in front of the Castle, to pay homage to the sovereign and the courtiers who accompanied him with those green delicacies, together with the other seasonal fruits to which the fertile volcanic earth of the island gave special aromas and flavors.

Poseidon, peace in the myth
An island of peace conceived by man and shaped by nature", so are described the Poseidon Gardens, marvel nestled in the stunning beauty of the Island are now a landing must for many tourists and residents every day of the season summer and visit it enchanted by a place that never fails to stir emotions.

La Mortella, a love story
"La Mortella" is a love story; or rather it is the story of a love. A remarkable story. Perhaps we should ask the French director Claude Lelouch - that of "a man and a woman? and ?Bolero? and "By accident or chance" - to make a film. Lelouch - who personally wrote and produced his films and is beloved by the Romantics - argues that in a love story nothing happens by chance.

The tonnara and the last rais of the Tyrrhenian
by Graziano Petrucci
His motto, if it were in today's globalized market, would have been "tuna, now". They called him Minichiello, perhaps because he was short in stature. “Tonnava”, it is appropriate to say, in Lacco Ameno, from March to September and leaned on the house of her niece Carmela. He had seven children, four boys and three girls. He came from Procida. Even if today we buy it canned, Domenico Intartaglia went hunting for tuna and blue fish. It was the Rais of the tonnara of Lacco Ameno. Also called Arraise, it managed the fishing system that existed since 1743 and lasted until 1959, the year in which Domenico celebrated his 89th birthday. It was one of the last plants in the Tyrrhenian Sea, and he was the last Rais in the Gulf of Naples.

Lightning and mahi-mahi
by Ciro Cenatiempo
The flash of the title is an illumination, linked to a special reflection, that of the rainbows of the dolphin that beats under the boat before giving up and letting itself be pulled up: it is a scenographic flash that becomes flashback and pun. As I like it. The dolphin fish has an iridescent, photomutable livery; an archaic face, very ancient and fascinates me in an unspeakable way: it is still captured with the so-called shadow fishing that uses palm trees and branches, and is one of the most popular and tasty (blue) fish known from the dawn of Mediterranean civilization and not only.

The endless search for Agarthi’s entry
Ischia and the Nazis linked to the Occult Thule Society, of which Hitler was an initiate. Attached in turn to the Green Dragon Society of Tibetan origin.