Aenaria, all the colors of the Theatre
The slogan is suggestive: ?There is a new Aenaria - all the colors of the theater?. The program aims: 9 plays and an awards ceremony with the commitment of seven Italian amateur companies, selected by a special committee of experts on 33 requests for participation from all over Italy, that will perform in the beautiful hall with 280 seats in armchair of the Multipurpose Cultural Center of Ischia in the Via delle Ginestre from Saturday, October 11 to Sunday, November 30. A billboard of all respect that lasts two months.
It is the first time a national theater festival hosted in the hall of Polifunzionale managed with great skill and passion by Association of Ischia ?Amici del Teatro?, which since 2008 has been able to set up a permanent theater in the cultural structure owned by the City of Ischia and to organize an annual theater festival that starts to turn the December 8 with 14 companies of actors islanders and lasts until April 30. It is a ?festival of amateur theater?, which provides a first prize for the company chosen by the jury of 500 euro, an award for Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress, and even the public can give its opinion on the best company. There will be awards for artistic ceramic works of the factory ?keramos? Casamicciola.
The event was presented during a press conference attended by Isidoro Di Meglio, head of culture and major events of the City of Ischia and director Enzo Ferrandino that, bringing greetings from the mayor of Ischia Giosi Ferrandino, stressed the importance of a theater festival in one of the periods less attractive from the tourist point of view.
The seven participating companies, in fact, come from all over Italy and will bring with them groups of ?supporters? who will enjoy the island during the weekend of October and November as well as being a good tourist attraction of the Baths.
?A praise - said Isidoro Di Meglio - goes to the guys who put on the show with all their energy, making lively the structure?.
Corrado Visone, artistic director of the festival in explaining the program pointed out that ?for this first edition is also thought to schools in the island territory. For them it was in fact created the Prize Aenaria school four mornings of theater that will see students in the audience protagonist?
?The seven companies come from all over Italy, from Trentino to Puglia, via Milan and Liguria. We selected seven companies that could offer an overview of the Italian amateur theater resources, and genres that compose it. So we decided to choose these seven companies that could offer all the colors of the theater?, said Visone.
The company ?Between stage and reality? of Portici, which debuted on October 11, brings to the stage ?Play it again, Sam? by Woody Allen, so it starts with a comedy that comes from cinema to theater, in a play of theatrical and very imaginative films.
On October 18, performs the company ?Luna Nova?, very famous company in the world amateur theater, chosen because they bring a work by Eduardo De Filippo, his version of Berretto a Sonagli by Pirandello, a beautiful and important work that is an original way to remember Eduardo on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his death. It?s also a show that will be part of the Prize Aenaria schools, in fact on the same day in the morning at 10, will perform for the students.
On 25 October is the time of the company ?Imprevisti e Probabilit?? of Formia which brings to the stage ?Neapopuli, Errando nell?invisibile?, a tale of Naples and with Naples protagonist and texts from ?Invisible Cities? by Italo Calvino and the ?Cunto de li Cunti? by Giambattista Basile, in a timeless atmosphere, very charming, very funny.
On November 1 the ?Avanzi di Scena? of Civitavecchia will give us the "39 Steps" by Patrick Barlow, from which Hitchcock drew the film, one of the most famous yellow, but revisited in a comic way and extremely punctuated by a few actors playing more than 50 characters creating situations very funny and entertaining.
On November 8, it was the turn of the cultural association ?Tisette e Gruppo del Pierrot? in Naples that perform in ?Non mi dire te l?ho detto?, written and directed by the famous comedian Paolo Caiazzo, an extremely comical farce in Neapolitan style.
On November 15, the ?la Cattiva Compagnia? of Lucca presents ?The Orphan Muses? by Michel Marc Bouchard, a thriller full of pathos and tension, very well acted and well directed that keep viewers glued to the chair.
On November 22, it will close the company ?Omfalos? by Falconara Marittima, in the province of Ancona, which will stage the contemporary theater by Dario Fo and his ?Il diavolo con le zinne?, in a very dream-like and charming version.
It closes with a weekend when we play at home, on November 28 to 30. The company of the island ?Ischia teatro stabile? by Franco Di Manso on November 28 propose the famous text by Gaetano Di Maio ?Il morto sta bene in salute?, and will also perform the next day in the morning for schools. On Saturday 29th will be the evening of the awards ceremony with guests, music and comedy. But it does not end here because on Sunday, November 30 really closes with Valerio Sgarra and his team will propose ?Gritistiz, il peggio sta per arrivare?a theater song that is after the manner of the festival and the organizers to close a festival full of theater.
There is also the attention to the schools: The mornings are channeled to the schools in the project Award Aenaria schools that will draw three companies: the company ?Luna Nova? will perform on Oct. 18 with ?il berretto a sonagli?, the company "Klimax" in Rome that will perform on November 20 and 21 in the morning always with ?Xke con la x,? a show that plays on the language of modern youth, and the company of the island ?Ischia teatro stabile? " that the day of November 29, propose to students ?Il morto sta bene in salute?.
The prize director is dedicated to the memory of Ciro Curci, an exemplary figure among the actors of the island and one for Best Actress is consigned to Giusy Cucinotta, a girl of only 14 years old died of leukemia in 2006, the daughter of one of the owners of the complex Sorriso Resort Forio of Ischia.
?We accepted that the memory of Giusy was honored with this award - said Dr. Luana Pezzato, Director Sales & Marketing of the tourist structure Sorriso Resort - with director Corrado Visone and the guys we have in fact decided that part of the proceeds will be donated to AIL of Naples, the Italian Association against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma?.
Enzo Boffelli, president of the Friends of the Theatre said that ?Two years ago I never thought I could sleep in our room theater companies from all over Italy. It?s time to prove, and I appeal especially to the theater companies on the island, how much we love the theater, participating in shows and drawing primarily a moment of confrontation?, while Michelangelo Messina, director of Ischia Film Festival has placed emphasis on importance of promoting culture to improve even more the tourist offer.
?Our tourists love the island of Ischia for its extraordinary rich environment but also to choose the quality of our events in one with our local color that make their stay unforgettable?.
Finally, the romantic greeting: the ancient Roman city of Aenaria that lies beneath the sea mirror d water in front of the Castello Aragonese may be ?emerging? talent of the young Italian actors for a bright career.
Subscriptions and tickets. Subscriptions are on sale at the multi-purpose theater and at the bar La Violetta. The cost is ? 30 and entitle the entrance to each evening performance. Tickets cost 7 ? and instead will be on sale at the same points, are characterized by the balance sheet date and are valid only for that day. Tickets, at the end of representation may be included in one of the boxes that will be next to the main entrance and that will determine the vote of the public to the work and therefore the ability of the public to contribute to the premium received by the public. Info and reservations - 3477569844- 3669376541 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (facebook logo) Award Aenaria - (logo twitter) premioaenaria
The jury will be composed by: Linda Taliercio - costume designer, Elisabetta Mazzella - accounting, Antonio Lubrano - journalist, Franco Di Manso - coordinator of the jury, G.G. Mazzella - real estate agent, Teresa Sasso - actress and director, Caterina La Torella - Professor, Pina Conte - teacher and journalist, Laura Sogliuzzo - actress. Lucianna De Falco will be the godmother of the jury and will be when she can.
Awards (produced by keramos)The Aenaria prize will be awarded a prize of 500 Euros; Best Director dedicated to Ciro Curci; Award for Best Actor; Best actress to Giusy; Award received by the public.