Andar per l'arte
Discovering the historic centre of Forio and Panza: the churches, the monuments, the towers, the Saracen Alleys
Artistic Itineraries
Route I – Forio
A walking through the “Saracens Alleys” to discover the “Città Turrita”
Starting from the Fountain of the main street of Forio
- Via del Torrione: the Torrione Tower
- Via Sant’Antonio Abate - via Costantino: the Costantina Tower
- Via Casa Di Maio: the tuff portals and the shrines
- Via degli Agrumi: the Torone Tower
- Via Funno - via Janno Piro: the big tuff stones of the Debris Avalanche
- Via San Vito: The Milone Tower
- Via Gaetano Morgera: The Vico Schiano Tower
- The Medieval district of Cierco - Church of Madonna della Libera
- Via Cardinale Luigi Lavitrano: the Cigliano Tower
- Corso Francesco Regine: the Quattrocchi Tower
Arriving in the main street of Forio
An itinerary to discovering the oldest urban fabric of Forio. Let’s start from the fountain to take via Torrione, the first of the Saracen Alleys of this itinerary, through which we can reach the Torrione Tower, the oldest defense-shelter kind of tower built in the territory of Forio between the end of XV and the beginning of XVI century. Going over via del Torrione, we can pass around the fountain and reaching via Sant’Antonio Abate and diving in the heart of the historical centre of Forio. Once exceeded the Costantina Tower, we can pass through via Casa di Maio, whose buildings has the characteristic lava or green tuff stone portals and the precious shrines. This alley lead us in San Vito’s square; turning left, the itinerary continues to via degli Agrumi and to the Torone Tower. Retracing a short section of via degli Agrumi, we can put in via Funno and via Janno Piro, where we can see the big green tuff stones, heritage of the Debris Avalanche occurred in the prehistoric age. To resume the itinerary we have to come back in San Vito’s square and, after admiring the Milone Tower, turning right into via Gaetano Morgera, dominated by the Vico Schiano Tower. This alley dives us in the oldest urban core of Forio, the district of Cierco, where we can admire the beautiful Church of Madonna della Libera. Once came out the district, we get down in via Cardinal Luigi Lavitrano with the Cigliano Tower, and concluding the itinerary in front of the Quattrocchi Tower, at the end of the main street of Forio.
Route II – Forio
Forio: the places of art, culture, and popular traditions
Starting from the square of Soccorso, Forio
- Church of Santa Maria del Soccorso
- Church and Convent of San Francesco d’Assisi
- Arciconfraternita of Santa Maria di Visitapoveri
- Palazzo D’Ascia
- Palazzo Covatta
- Civic Museum “Giovanni Maltese”
- Parish of San Sebastiano
- Palazzo Pezzillo - Palazzo Bolivar Patalano
- Group of Santa Maria di Loreto: the Basilica, the Oratory of Assunta, Hospital
- Basilica of San Vito
Arriving in the main street of Forio
Itinerary through the places of the art, the culture and the popular traditions of Forio. Let’s start from the square of Soccorso, titled to Pope Giovanni Paolo II, to visiting the charming Church of Santa Maria del Soccorso, the symbol of Forio. From this square, our itinerary leads us to Municipio Square, dominated by the church and convent of San Francesco d’Assisi and by the Arciconfraternita of Santa Maria di Visitapoveri, built around the XVII century. Passing through via San Francesco and then the main street of Forio, we can turn in via del Torrione, reaching the Torrione Tower and visiting the Civic Museum, titled to Giovanni Maltese, sculptor of Forio working between the middle of XIX and the beginnings of XX century. Along via del Torrione we can admire also two historical buildings dating to the XVIII century, Palazzo D’Ascia and Palazzo Covatta. Going over via del Torrione, turning around the fountain, we can reach via Sant’Antonio Abate and the Parish Church of San Sebastiano. Coming back to the main street of Forio, the itinerary crosses the other two ancient buildings, Palazzo Pezzillo and Palazzo Bolivar Patalano, and it leads to the old Basilica of Santa Maria di Loreto, flanked by the Oratory of Assunta and by the Ospital. Turning right in via Cardinal Luigi Lavitrano and then in via San Vito, we can reach the Mother Basilica of San Vito, titled to the Patron Saint of Forio. The itinerary finished coming back until we can reach again the main street of Forio.
Route III - Panza
Discovering the “Villaggio di Pansa”
Starting from the square of Panza Sporting Club
- Palazzo Piromallo
- Streets, alleys, shrines
- Church of San Leonardo
- The Tower of San Leonardo
- Church of Arciconfraternita della Santissima Annunziata
- Church of San Gennaro
- Augustinian Convent
Arriving in the main square of Panza
This itinerary leads us to discover the old “villaggio di Pansa”. Let’s start from the square in front of the Panza Sporting Club, whence, we can admire the Palazzo Piromallo, immerged in rows of vines, built on an old hunting lodge. Our itinerary starting come on to the provincial street of Panza leading in a first little square, dominated by a precious shrine, and then raising the main square of the historical centre of Panza. A few meters before the square, we can stop to visiting the Parish Church of San Leonardo, built on a chapel dating back to the XVI century. Opposite the church, we can admire the Tower of San Leonardo, raised in the XVI century as a defense tower of the territory of Panza against the pirates. Bringing us to the right end of the square, after meeting a shrine, we can reach the Church of the Arciconfraternita della Santissima Annunziata, dating back to the XVII century. Exceeded the square, the itinerary leads us along via San Gennaro, reaching the Church of San Gennaro, dating back to the XVI century, besides which it was built a little Augustinian Convent. The itinerary ends coming back until reaching again the main square of Panza.
START 09:30 a.m. | DURATION: 2 HOURS
INFO: 081 908436 | 333 6671114
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It’s avaible itineraries in the afternoom upon reservations