Country village of Calimera

Country village of Calimera
In the town of Fontana, a higher position than the nucleus of the build up area, there is a rocky village of Calimera, formed by a group of houses, stables, cellars on, arranged in descending levels of a hillside, almost like a crib with sloping paths leading to the various houses. The name denotes a Greek origin: beautiful day, beautiful views, as the majority of historians considers, "the district or village on the steep side of the mountain". It is unknown the exact time when this village was born: perhaps in the late medieval era, leveraging the existing caves in the area, do not even know exactly whether he had defensive purposes or otherwise; the historian informs us that it was D'Ascia mainly inhabited by shepherds and their families, people of strong and vigorous health and hardened to fatigue. The houses in this town are very poor and simple as those we have observed in other districts, perhaps because the standard of living of poor people who lived there. The caves, once inhabited, are now used for other purposes: fresh cellars for storage of wine produced by hand, deposits for the agricultural implements, shelters for farm animals.