From Serrara to Sant'Angelo

Descrizione del percorso
Starting from the beautiful Piazza of Serrara bounded by the eighteenth-century Palazzo Iacono made with typical local rock: the green tuff. The viewpoint of Serrara is certainly one of the most scenic of the island giving in the clear day a wonderful view of the Sorrento Peninsula, of Monti Lattari and the island of Capri. But above all, it allows us to see down the village of S. Angelo and the homonymous volcanic pick and the plain of Succhivo, geological structure delimited by faults and rich in thermal waters. The path winds through a narrow road passing through the village, but, later, opens offering a wonderful view. At this point begins the descent of a staircase, which literally cuts the rock and is surrounded by vegetation (Mediterranean maquis) in the area. The route continues to the Maronti beach, the largest one of the island. This area is the site of intense hydrothermal circulation and leading to Cava Scura, which is one of the hot springs most exploited in Roman times, the waters of which come at a temperature of about 100 ° C. It finally comes to St. Angelo, who was a small village of fishermen and sailors, and whose architecture is still perceivable in spite of the development of tourism.
Duration: 3 h
Difficulty: T
Difference in altitude: 400
Descent: 400
Maximum altitude: 2 Km
Start: Serrara (Piazza)
Arrival: S.Angelo (Cava Grado)
Path: Piazza di Serrara Fontana, S.Angelo
Equipment: hiking shoes and clothing, water.
Arrival point: Panza (Pro Loco seat) and from there bus shuttle service to Serrara
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