Pietra dell'acqua

Shelter and water reservoir in Monte della Guardia
It looks impressive and shows visible action that man has done in past ages to take advantage of what nature offered him: to cultivate also the highest areas, safer from pirates raids, farmers needed water, digging created a large cistern in the rock to which the water came through a channel which is also carved in stone, the water flowed from the tank in some basins formed around it and there is so much watered the farmers and animals. At the time of the invasions of pirates, in the middle of the 500, the families who fled up the mountain used boulders that had turned into houses as a defense system: in fact, on top of many of them, which is reached via steps carved in the rock, were found holes and hooks that would be used probably settle for torches or flares, the holes not only light came to illuminate the environment but could also make reports. According to the historian D'Ascia also the Stone of Water can also be used as an "observatory", is, in fact, a point which is clearly visible Epomeo the Phlegraean coast. The language of the fireworks from Naples to Ischia watch towers on the coast and areas with higher Epomeo, pointed out the danger of raids.
How to reach Pietra dell'acqua
The water stone, sits on top of the Monte della Guardia, 720 m, the second highest peak of Mount Epomeo. It consists of a block tuff excavated in recent centuries by man. The stone is accessible only on foot along a mountain trail, fairly easy. Follow the signs to the Bracconiere Restaurant, by Falanga and continue until the end of the driveway. If you’re driving down the road you have to leave at the end of the driveway, from there take a trail towards Mount Epomeo, attention, the road is not reported, follow for 1 km to the summit of Monte della Guardia about 25 minutes walk , and the path that leads to another you will find the Stone of the water peak. If you have not a car, the bus will leave at the cemetery Serrara, which followed the directions to the Bracconiere restaurant, you have to add 1.5 km to the previous path, and about 20 minutes on foot. Other paths lead to Stone Water, from the summit of San Nicola and the other by Falanga and Frassitelli wood but are suitable for hikers and mountaineers.