Suburb of Lacco Ameno

Villages and Castles
Lacco Ameno
Suburb of Lacco Ameno
Lacco Ameno - 80076
Borgo di Lacco Ameno

Village of Lacco Ameno
Lacco Ameno is the smaller municipality of the island of Ischia, where in the VIII century B.C. Greek sailors arrived and conquered Monte Vico founding the city of Pithecusae, the built up area more ancient of the island and the first colony of the Magna Graecia. Many archeological findings are hosted in Museo Santa Restituta where we find Greek, Roman and Byzantine findings, like cinerary urns, tombstones, funerary furnishes, old coins that in Villa Arbusto, the civic archeological museum of Pithecusae hosting more that 3000 findings. Inside it’s possible to admire the famous Nestore’s Cup, very important for its history because was decorated with the most ancient inscription in Greek of the Mediterranean art.

In 1950’s, thanks to the editor and movie producer Angelo Rizzoli, Lacco Ameno and the entire island, becomes the main tourist location. Rizzoli gave the island the only hospital and enriched the ancient Thermae Regina Isabella by a hotel complex.

Not far from the town centre, the splendid bay of San Montano is set. The legend tells about this bay where the Enea’s boat ran aground and in the same place, centuries later, the body of Saint Restituta, patron the Lacco Ameno, was transported through the waters ashore.

Famous attractions considered symbol of Lacco Ameno is the ‘Fungo’: a tuff stone moved away from Monte Epomeo and go down into the sea. The erosions of sea have created, afterwards, its typical form.


City of Lacco Ameno
CAP: 80076
Surface: 270 hectars
Inhabitants: 4.738
Town city: tel 081 3330811
Bus lines: CS - CD - 1 - 2 - 16

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Info on Ischia island

  • Surface: 46 Kmq
  • Hight: 789 mt
  • Lat.: 40° 44',82 N
  • Long.: 13° 56',58 E
  • Periplus: 18 miglia
  • Coasts: 51.2 Km
  • Cities: 6
  • Inhabitants: 58.029


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