Actus Tragicus in Forio of Ischia
Original sacred drama dedicated to the passion and death of Jesus, the representation was designed and built by St. Francis of Assisi back in 1111 and staged in the streets of Forio from 1982 through the initiative of a group of young volunteers. The participants wear costumes designed and made by a wonderfully well-known local craftsman, in procession through the streets of the country, starting from Municipio square, and to Piazza Colombo where the representation began, the event concludes with crucifixion of Jesus and the thieves at the Soccorso church square.
Fin dal 1982 un gruppo di giovani volenterosi, il Venerdì Santo, per le strade di Forio, mette in scena l’Atto Tragico della Passione e Morte di Gesù.
On the square in the darkness and silence, the spotlights illuminate the first scene (The Last Supper). Jesus is at the table with the disciples for the Last Supper and right then HE performs the greatest act of love to remain among men: the institution of the Eucharist. The lights are turned off to turn on shortly after to illuminate the Garden of Olives. Jesus leaves the disciples and remains alone, prays in distress, agonizes, is afraid, falls down and sweats blood. The soldiers arrive with Judas who kisses and betrays him and one of the disciples touches with a dagger blow an ear to the centurion. Change the scene and we found the comparison with Jesus to Caiaphas, who leads him to trial before Pilate. Meanwhile, Judas hangs himself repented for his betrayal.
The Miracle Play moves to Piazza San Gaetano, on stage is the scene of the house and the Praetorium where Pilate condemns Jesus to tearing his clothes, and is crowned with spines and bound to the column to be flagellated. Jesus suffering and stays silent for the love to all humanity.
From here the procession moves. .. Jesus takes up the heavy wooden cross and starts to move along Via Erasmo Di Lustro, where half-way, falls for the first time weakened by the constant bloodshed and beaten with fists, kicks and slaps, staying silent. The procession stops again at the junction near the Papal Basilica of St. Maria di Loreto. Jesus meets his beloved Mother. What a pain pierces the heart and face of Jesus, that agonizes the heart of Mary! The Miracle Play starts along Corso Francesco Regine (formerly called Corso Umberto I°) out of the Palazzo Bolivar where takes place the Cyrene scene who is forced to carry the cross instead of Jesus.
It starts to get close to Piazza Matteotti. The Veronica approaches to Jesus and driven by pity, dries with a damp his suffering face with sweat and blood. The procession resumed the march and shortly afterwards shows the second fall of Jesus at the gate called the Jerusalem court order. Jesus is lying on the ground, felled by pain, mocked by the mob. Continuing along the Corso Francesco Regine, in front of Piazza Maltese, Jesus meets the pious women afflicted and grieved and he consoles them. The Mistery Play continues on the way to reach Piazza Municipio Municipio representing the third fall of Jesus at the foot of Mount Calvary, the soldiers with anger and rage strike him with fists and kicks with the handles of halberds. They trample him to see him as soon as crucified. The last stop on Piazzale del Soccorso where at a large mound are placed three crosses silhouetted against the black sky and dark of night.
Silence falls on the square.
Jesus is undressed and with his clothes they take off also the skin renewed all wounds, and so he remains torn and flayed inside and embittered by the gall to give him to drink.
Jesus, therefore, is placed on the cross and his hands and feet are pierced with nails clinched that repeatedly break the veins, nerves and flesh.
Jesus, hanging, almost lifeless from the cross, praying for his tormentors, and offers salvation to those who ask, entrusts his Mother to John, recommended his soul to the Father and bowing his head, dies. A thrill of pity and love through the mob that assists, infinite sadness invades the hearts of those present. Jesus is taken down from the cross and deposited on her Mother lap. A sword of sorrow through the heart of Mary when she receives in her arms the Son died.
Video Actus Tragicus Forio 2012
Photogallery Actus Tragicus Forio