
  • What are the names and numbers of local boat tours around the island. We do not want a private tour, but would like to spend the day seeing the island from a boat.

    • Edit
    Friday, 01 March 2019   Bernie
    Hits :  27
  • Is it possible to make excursions in Ischia? Thanks

    • Edit
    Wednesday, 01 February 2012   claudio

    Sure. Over ‘the lizard’s paths’with medium and easy level of difficulty, there are many other paths to discover the beauty of Ischia nature in all its charm.

    To see them click HERE

    Hits :  85

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Guides of Ischia.it

Le Guide di Ischia newsTo know and move on Ischia

Contact ischia.it

  • Indirizzo P.zza Trieste e Trento, 9
  • Telefono +(39) 0813334747
  • fax +(39) 0813334715
  • email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Sito web www.ischia.it
  • skypeCall center

Info on Ischia island

  • Surface: 46 Kmq
  • Hight: 789 mt
  • Lat.: 40° 44',82 N
  • Long.: 13° 56',58 E
  • Periplus: 18 miglia
  • Coasts: 51.2 Km
  • Cities: 6
  • Inhabitants: 58.029


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