Ciao, vogliamo portare tre biciclette sulla barca da Napoli a Ischia dal 16 fino al 18 Ottobre, è possibile portarle sulla barca? Grazie
Ciao, si è consentito imbarcare le biciclette, sulle navi ed anche sugli aliscafi.
Can a turist with rental car can land on Ischia on September?
Can we take and use a Vespa (125CC) from Naples to Ischia in June 2022?
We live in Naples (we are Canadian Military) we are wondering if we can bring our motorcycles to Ischia?
Good morning, if your motorcycles are registered in Naples unfortunately it is not possible to disembark to Ischia. The prohibition is valid until September 30th. Later it is possible to bring vehicles to Ischia. Kind regards
I have a bike headed to a person resident in Sicily, can I (resident in Campania) drive it on the island? And of course embark it? thanks
Even if the bike is headed to a Sicilian person, you cannot drive it on the island and of course embark it.
Is there any prohibiton for car belonging to people from Lazio?
The ban concerns only vehicles belonging to people from Campania region. So you can embark and move on the entire island of Ischia without problems.
I have heard it is not possible to arrive in Naples by car in winter. Isn’t it?
In winter you can move by car even though residents in the province of Naples. The prohibition of landing is generally limited to a period of the summer. For the year 2011, the ban begins on April 17 and ends on September 30.
I have heard of it is not possible to come to Ischia by car during summer. Isn’t it?
The prohibition of landing concerns only cars, bikes and mopeds belonging to people no-resident in Campania region.
I would like to know when the prohibition of landing comes into force? Thanks
The prohibition of landing on the Island of Ischia, is valid from April 17 to September 30 2011, issued by the Minister f Transport and Infrastructure.
The crib is an island
To know and move on Ischia
Autumn 2016 - Mushrooms and fairies