Stone of Turco and Mago

Historical events and folk legends
To the north, the location Celarro, between the steep quarry Sinigallia and the extreme edge of the Falanga wood, became the geographic limits of the disastrous fall of rocks. The rural settlement, formed in said town evokes the folk legends mixed with historical events, peasant, the rocks have names suggestive in this sense: the Turkish stone, stone of the Magician, Pietrone. The stone of Mago consists of a cellar carefully camouflaged in the surrounding countryside that has no ventilation holes of the usual. On the back wall, carved into the rock with flashy characters, read the date and the author's name in front of the entrance to a reference to stone driven into the ground as a sundial, marks the rhythm of the day. The Turkish stone located on the edge of quarry Sinigallia is also dated in the bottom of cellar, but current residents, forcing the historical reality, probably built by the Turks consider it a reminder of barbarian invasions, this stone is actually just the stone hut described by Chevalley de Rivaz and then transformed into cellars (see next footnote. 10). Now about these two stones, they have the unique characteristic of being signed and dated; more interesting to us is the word found in the first ceHaio as it turns out to be surmounted by an engraving representing the cross on Golgotha, while, if only partly translated, the inscription tells us that the author was a certain Aniello who completed his work in June 1794. The second writing was written into the cellar-located in the house with the Turkish date of 1783 is the work of the same Aniello, since the two dates are relatively close. We can also assume that these dates were references at the time exceeded the threat of pirates, the stones were turned, in Pantane, the great stone called Pietro, not far from the first two ones, remains as a unique episode for studying of the stone houses even though its interior has recently lost all signs of distribution and original purpose, to outside of the boulder, a votive plaque recalls the narrow escape from the flood of 1910, but at the same time we recognize architectural upheaval and use mostly related to tourism initiatives that, recently, have been produced spontaneously on the island.
How to reach Celarro
The stone water, sits on top of the Monte della Guardia, 720 m, the second highest peak of Mount Epomeo. It consists of a block tuff excavated in recent centuries by man. The stone is accessible only on foot along a mountain trail, fairly easy. Follow the signs to the Risotrante Poacher, by Falanga and continue until the end of the driveway. If you're driving down the road you have to leave at the end of the driveway, from there take a trail towards Mount Epomeo, attention, the road is not reported, follow for 1 km to the summit of Monte della Guardia about 25 minutes walk , and the path that leads to another you will find the Stone of the water peak. If yopu don’t have a car, the bus will leave at the cemetery of Serrara, which followed the directions to the Bracconiere restaurant, you have to add 1.5 km to the previous path, and about 20 minutes on foot. Other paths lead to Stone Water, from the summit of San Nicola and the other by Falanga and Frassitelli wood but are suitable for hikers and mountaineers.