"'O mare fa paura" Accussì dice 'a ggente guardanno 'o mare calmo, calmo cumme na tavula. E dice 'o stesso pure dint' 'e gghiurnate 'e vierno quanno 'o mare s'aiza, e l'onne saglieno primm' a palazz' 'e casa e pò a muntagne. Vergine santa... scanza 'e figlie 'e mamma!
Io quanno 'o sento, specialmente 'e notte, cumme stevo dicenno, nun è ca dico: "'O mare fa paura", ma dico: "'O mare sta facenno 'o mare".
Eduardo De Filippo
This poem written by the great Eduardo, in his beloved Isca, younger sister of Our Ischia, a few hundred meters from Nerano, along the Amalfi coast, contains a sentence "'o mare sta facenno o mare " all the respect and love that man owes to the Sea.
Life was born from the sea , and with sea and Our ancestors we still confront us daily. A sea that isolates us for better or for worse, we learned to love and respect it for an early age, that gives us wealth and solitude, a typical characteristic of men who have everything and yet nothing!
From the sea comes a wave of change this year, a few boats from around the world have managed to upset a few months in Naples, Neapolitans as always, as all the inhabitants of the Gulf of Naples, when like something, dedicate soul and heart.
The representations of affection involve great samples who are surprised ton seeing a such emotional feeling, so the stage is reversed, alternating fun of emotions, the sea returns to the stage for the many tourists and residents flock to the Gulf of Naples, while the city with its inhabitants, capturing the attention of sportsmen and professionals of this great event: the America's Cup!
Strength, speed and technology, the three key elements of this new formula, the sail as it should be renewed to keep pace with the times and continue to fascinate us and welcome thousands of fun and sportsmen. It’s a sign that the changes are good and lead development, re-evaluating Our resources always, the ones we boasts around the world, the sun and the sea!
Let's enjoy the party .... and we look forward, renewing the resources of our region, respecting and loving it, because as we learn from Eduardo: , il Mare fa solo il Mare, siamo Noi che dobbiamo imparare a viverlo, amarlo, rispettarlo , (Our Great Sea, the Sea is only we that we must learn to live it, love it, respect it)