Colors and smiles at Castiglione Park
Yesterday I was at the Castiglione Park, half asleep and a little stupid at lunch, a lunch too good but too washed down with an excellent white wine, chilled and fruity.
Suddenly ... ... WHROON… fly the ‘Tricolour Arrows’, all with their noses up in awe, amazed, ecstatic.
Closer, much closer, in the background of a gorse bush lit of yellow, a pair of imperial seagulls: white livery and ‘Roman’ beak, yellow and red.
When the planes fly again on our heads, immediately followed by an “oohh!” of the audience, I asked if they were able to not only swoop down and fly in formation, even to court, love, and making eggs and, once brooded, give birth to “something flight” with the DNA of the parents: fast, shiny and deadly.
Castiglione is a magical place; it certainly seems to me the most beautiful in the world, not excluding other magical places, even these “the most beautiful in the world”.
Is it because it is our whole World, Infinite, to be magic?
Welcome to the park most loved by islanders, to guess how many colors there are: flowers, butterflies and thong there give more than our eyes may contain.
Here the green of plants and trees combines with that of the sea. Yet the sea at Castiglione is clean and clear, the cleanest and clearest ... You see it from the street and increasingly invites you in this downhill with a nice rack railway, and finally, when you arrives, it embraces you and reciprocates your love with an ecstatic hug.
From the medical point of view, the most important and effective mineral waters of Ischia, the green pearl of the Mediterranean Sea, come precisely from the aquifer that feeds the thermal pools with different shapes at different degrees. We know that the “well-being” is not just a matter of chemistry and physics, but rather is in close relationship with the mental and spiritual balance; we know is crucial the competence of doctors, physiatrists, masseurs, but above all that fundamental are the smiles.
Here everyone smiles; only the driver parking does not smile, but only because the parking is free. For the rest, the kindness is part of the incredible beauty of the Castiglione Park.
Moreover, the beauty, you know, is the signature of God.