Restituta, the spark of love
The "Restituta, the spark of love" program is back, scheduled for the days from 8 to 18 of May, on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of Santa Restituta, patroness of the diocese of the island of Ischia and Lacco Ameno.
The event includes the exhibition of nine photographic panels inside the fountain located in Piazza Santa Restituta, with the photos of Lucia De Luise, which will take place from 8 to 18 of May. On 8, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of May the hymns and songs in honor of the Patron Saint will be broadcast by wire, in addition to the soundtracks that have accompanied over the years the various editions of the "Sacred Representation of Martyrdom and the Landing of Santa Restituta ad Ripas", organized annually (every 16 of May) by the aforementioned association. Furthermore, from 15 to 18 of May in the evening (approximately from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm) photos and images relating to the history of the whole party will be projected on a large screen. The aforementioned will be placed outside the entrance of the Comprehensive Institute "V. Mennella ”, in corso Angelo Rizzoli. Finally, to keep alive the memory of the performances, which this year will not be able to take place due to the anti Covid-19 regulations, a video tribute of those who played the main characters will be broadcast on the social pages of “Le Ripe,” or rather Restituta, Lucina and Proclino.