Being shipwrecked is sweet to me in this ... Mari di Guai!
I meet Maria Luigia Ungaro, called Marilisa by friends and known as “Mari di Guai”, to the sea. A day with the sun, and while in Naples it rains, we taste coffee in Bagno Ricciulillo. “I dream of waking me up one day and face the satisfaction of having achieved what I wanted”, she says. Independent, determined, she loves being the center of attention because she loves the exchange that comes from the audience, especially when she performs.
The vibration for her is air, sound, noise, energy. She composes and decomposes the things at will (if not too involved) and decides for herself. She is convinced that “to understand the music must be a part of it”. She smokes tobacco. Before she wrote and sang in English, now she follows the path of Italian songwriting. She smiles, so much. Be warned, it may be her way to figure out who has faced.
Mari di Guai is a singer-songwriter who relies on imagination and the single “Between the horizon and gaze” [listen photographing the QR CODE down] explains her relationship with this dimension. Insecure but with deep eyes, Marilisa does not define herself an artist (“I think it’s a big word”) and knows what she wants. For nothing distracted, single, selfless, eclectic personality, holds to her things, trusts and likes to create prosperity around her. Careful observer is looking for the good in every situation. Witty from infectious smile, patient gives the impression of being in a kind of expected developments at the same time trying to mold the everyday life. Chameleon she adapts to environments, people and situations, but only after deciding which part to show and hide of her. She loves improvisation as the typical knee-jerk and creative part of her zodiac sign - Sagittarius is - who would like to leave a little free and believes that everyone should follow his own. It never made questions about astrology but among the signs attracts the fish (the same as her father). One day her parents decided to send her to Rome to seek her size because they knew that the island one no longer reflected her lifestyle. It was the turning point in its growth process (he calls it “inevitable”) by which she is able to turn the vision of the world. Seemingly complex woman, concrete and pragmatic, loves company - how to be alone - but often she does not feel understood. After the attempt to conquer the stage of Sanremo, “A window that was not there” will be the title of her first album. Release in September. [Link to the song]
Pronounce your name and surname.
Maria Luigia Ungaro (she smiles).
“Who sails these Mari ..” what that means??
It means that ... he’s in trouble (laughs again).
How did you come to Rome?
By ferry to Naples and then from there I took the train (she bursts into laughter and she feels so happy). I am kidding. My sister was already living in the capital and my parents have encouraged me to join her.
Do you feel more island or archipelago?
More island. I can hardly find personalities that have to do with me or with whom I find points in common.
You were born and raised in Ischia. Has this affected your view of the world?
Yes. In some positive aspects, while for others negatively. Living in Ischia means to keep before our eyes the beauty already just looking around, or perhaps the simplicity of being with oneself - which fortunately I did not realize - even considering that on the island are a bit all approved. Staying in the city, on the contrary, gives you the opportunity to meet many people and learn to appreciate what you did not see before.
What do you dream?
To wake me up one day, open your eyes, and exclaiming, “finally, I have what I wanted”. In short, the satisfaction.
Are you still far from what you are?
I’ve never been away from what I am. Sometimes I found myself so far away but I knew who was Marilisa and why of a given situation. Maybe can happen periods when you move away from yourself but already knowing it means not to be, right?
What do people think about you?
We must ask the people (she laughs again and I too). I do not know. Perhaps what I tend to show.
Your favorite music?
It depends. It is connected to the stage of life I’m going through at that time. I like typically the songwriting because the words for me are very important.
What is your relationship with music?
The music comes out, but the words, however, carry an image different each time. They are the engine of a ship on a sea of music.
How important are the expectations of others than you?
Still a lot, unfortunately. Sometimes I happened to be unable to live beautiful things because too stifled by the expectation of others. I am healing thanks to a little healthy selfishness and perfect indifference.
How is one of your songs born?
Usually from an image. I see something that catches my eye; usually it comes to things out of place, perhaps a cloud in the blue sky. Here, I am struck by the cloud and not the sky.
Do you feel more author or composer?
More author. I am racist with words and I realize I have a real problem with them. I amaze more a sentence, its musicality and not the music played.
After a recording, which is your first reaction?
I state that I am a perfectionist but I’m quite self-critical. I usually go out by myself to steal the excitement even if it’s something that I wrote.
Who is Marilisa and who is Mari di Guai?
The same person.
What fascinates you about Marilisa and what is missing in Mari di Guai?
I am fascinated by the fact that I never learn to know me, but every time I sit up at the piano I know a part of me. I like to break the mold and adapt to the new balance. Perhaps, here, I lack a bit of stubbornness more. Sometimes it is just like a paper boat in the sea and let myself be lulled (she laughs).
Do men fell in competition with you?
In my opinion, no. Even from a professional perspective.
All right. We finished.
Truly, already? (she laughs amazed).
Seas ... or mountains: what is the journey that refers to time?
A trip on the road. I am really close.
A meeting that was important to reveal your evolution?
My whole project was born from the encounter with songwriter Gabriel Zagni (video makers of Lucio Dalla, ed) that has opened my window to the world of songwriting. Gabriel has recorded an album in “L’asino che vola”, the place where I perform in Rome (the owners are the producers of Marilisa, editor’s note) and as soon as I heard I decided to do my project in Italian. I will insert a cover by Gabriel. There is a passage, from which I took the disc title, ie “la vita che cos’è, è una finestra che non c’era”.
Are you inspired by someone for your music?
No. I always try to be myself even if there are influences.
You think you’re grown up or grow up is more difficult than you think?
I grew up. It is actually more difficult to maintain the childhood, the contact with the child that everyone carries within himself, but growing.
What do you want to convey to your listeners?
I try to convey what I feel. At least I try. When you make music, leave bit of freedom to the listener to interpret the emotions. As if it were a coloring sheet using the colors at will. Here, I give you the colors and the design; the listener can choose how to use them.
Plans and hopes for the future?
Definitely introducing my music and traveling. If I can do both together it would not be a bad idea (she smiles slyly).
Which means lie between the horizon and the gaze?
Actually I am not in the horizon and the gaze. It is more than what I see; it’s all the line of vision. That is the meaning.
You’re superstitious; maybe do you follow a ritual before singing?
I found to be so and so much. It happened in the period of Sanremo, every time I went to do the auditions. I happened to forget the slippers once, and then I didn’t bring her on purpose. Once I even put in a suitcase and then remove them almost immediately without a second thought.
What do you think about people demanding and bigoted?
Poor people, I am sorry for them (she laughs heartily). Maybe they be demanding and ask for something, but from themselves than from others.
You are?
Bigoted, no. They have just live and let live. Demanding, yes I am.
What is your relationship with your inner sea?
I’ve learned to control it, manage it, not to be shaken. I had to put the banks because sometimes I let myself be carried away by these wave motions of emotion. Inside also I put the instinctive part that I know every day: I leave due liberty and not censor myself and if I tend to say what I think I try to do it without invading the space of the other. I learned the art of diplomacy (her laughter fills the space).
What do you think about the soul mate?
(Before answering she lights the cigarette after rolled up until a few minutes earlier between the fingers). I think there is, and there’s more than one. Are two different sounds that together create something of singular, in which one amplifies the beauty of the other and vice versa. And no one wants to change the nature of the other. It’s music. It is harmony. It’s freedom.
The weapon of seduction that you use most often.
(She looks at me and laughs ...). I like to show me what I am. Spontaneity.
What must a person do to make a difference and get your attention?
Normalcy and originality. The people who make the difference in my opinion are the most normal, those who do not flaunt it at all costs. It can also affect a simple gesture such as pouring water which in itself is unique. Typically attracts my attention as well those who can speak well (she tells me while I try to pour water into the glass).
This is your first album, how’s it going?
The release is scheduled for September. The project is two years ago. Meanwhile I have changed the way to make music and write it, and now I proceed to what I consider to be my identity.
What do you think about this interview?
Quiet. Relaxed.
You know you have to give me one hundred euro? Signature her...
(She laughs). Yes, I know that I have to give you one hundred euro (she keeps laughing). Where I have to sign?
Maybe she thinks I’m joking. She must have forgotten that I got it all on tape...
By Graziano Petrucci