Ischia International Architecture Award
From July 8 to 13 Ischia becomes one of the international capitals of architecture. Comes back, in fact, PIDA, Ischia International Architecture Award, now in its sixth edition. “Today - say the organizers - the architectures of hospitality are times of challenge and confrontation between the designers and architects around the world.
Design Hotel, Love Hotel, SPA Hotel, Boutique Hotel, Art Hotel, Leisure Hotel, Resort Hotel, are just some of the issues that increasingly are tied to the fashions of times and explain the complexity in designing and building a hotel today. From this reflection takes the name the current edition, “Hotel Lifestyle Means”.
This year’s program is particularly rich and varied, with some new features compared to previous editions. The focal point is the delivery of the prize Ischia International Architecture, which provides cash awards, software licenses and publications. There are two main sections established: hotels (hotels, farm holidays, room and boards) and SPA (Thermal baths, Spa Gardens, Beauty Farms, Beauty Centres). Prizes will be awarded both the architectural works completed and documented, for the “PIDA prize” and those referring to design, for the “PIDA Concept prize”. The works can relate to the creation of new architecture or recovery, rehabilitation and expansion of existing buildings. From this year it has been added a section dedicated to the 3D virtual world, the “PIDA thinks 3D prize”. In addition to international competition, the event will be accompanied by exhibitions, lectures and debates, which will be organized during the evenings on July 11 to 13 in the most prestigious locations on the island, and by the design workshop on the new archaeological museum of Villa Arbusto in Lacco Ameno (Ischia), and at the Suite with SPA.
These meetings are open to young students and graduates from all over the world and are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, with the presence of expert tutors who will have lessons in design, upgrading the energy efficiency, ecology and other aspects of the project. The architecture and well-being lessons are one of the novelties of this edition. On July 12 and 13 will be organized day guided trips in order to discover and appreciate the beauty of the island. The Ischia International Architecture Prize is organized by PIDA with the collaboration of the Architects of Naples and HSDesign.
Competition Ranking PIDA 2013
The jury consisting of: Francesco Pagliari, Sergio Bizzarro, Grazia Torre, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Ermanno Caroppi, Luca Gibello, Mario Bellini, Francesco Scardaccione and Simone Velsati has declared the winning projects of the sixth edition of the Ischia International Award for Architecture, 2013.
Section PIDA
- “Slow Life” by Pietro Abbruzzese and Dario Sasso
- “Zash Country Boutique Hotel” by A. Iraci, M. Renda, S. Terranova, S. Vivirito
- “Hotel 1301 Inn” by Brero, Del Maschio, Pujatti
4th cl (61 points) – “Le Corti di Begio” " by Michele Fabiano, Rubrichi
5th cl (60 points) – “Riva Lofts” by Claudio Nardi
6th cl (59 points, equal level) – “La quiete degli elementi” by Massimo Roj and "The Ashbee" by Michele Sclafani
7th cl (58 points) - "Hotel Piazza Bellini" by Aurino, Discepolo, Fasanaro
8 ° cl (55 points) - "Hilton Hotel" by Pascal Arquitectos
9th cl (53 points) - "AC Hotel" in Michelizzi, Fabietti
10 ° cl (51 points) – “Lava in-forme” by Orsini, Esposito
11 ° cl (50 points) – “Currently the past” by Brentagani, Bertoldi, Lonardi, Cacciatori, Vinco
12 ° cl (48 points, equal level) - "Hotel Regina Margherita" by Franco Bernardini - "Aris 42" by Ilario Kuluridis – “Light Hole” by Stefano Esposito
13 ° cl (46 points) – “Tenuta Pezzapane” by Alfredo Galdi
14 ° cl (44 points) – “Soprelevazione a mare Hotel Sole” by Marco Volpe
15 ° cl (43 points) – “Il presente-infinito” by Fabrizio Mautone
16 ° cl (39 points) – “A spasso col tempo” by Fischetti Maria Antonia
Section PIDA SPA
- "Beauty Farm Hair Glamour" by I. Brogi, F. Mei
- "Apollo 11" by Bruzzo, Mantovani
- "Hilton SPA" by Pascal Arquitectos
Section PIDA Concept (2 equal levels)
- "Domus Aurea" by V. De Luce, P. Di Martino
- " ECO PAGLIA RESORT" by S. Giordano, R. Rapisarda
- "NATURA(l)mente VERDE" by M. Merla, M. Quitadamo
- "Optimist" by Paolo Baldessari
"Illuminando Montecarlo" by S. Landini, M. Del Sarto, R. Del Sarto
4th cl (59 points) - "LINEA OASI" by S. Fareri, G. Mangeruca
5th cl (58 points) - "Nel Blu D.D.B." by N. Feriotti, R. Giacomini, M. Valeri
6th cl (54 points) - "FABRICA VERSUS HOSPITALITAS" by M. Camporeale, V. Crismale, N. Minafra, G. Siracusa
7th cl (53 points) - "Rurale Riabitato" by Marco Maltinti
8 ° cl (51 points) - "SATIS LONGA VITA EST SI TOTA BENE COLLOCARETUR" by E. Ericca, F. Delizia, M.T.S. Di Mauro, B. Lombardi, V. Giocondo, A. D'Avino
9th cl (47 points) - "Essenze" by Teresa Romeo
10 ° cl (46 points) - "TROVATERRA" by Francesco Lauriola
11 ° cl (43 points) - "ONDE SULLA SPIAGGIA" by Maria Luisa Lagozino
12 ° cl (37 points) - "VIVA L'ITALIA" by Sabato Teodoro Ciardella
Section PIDA SPA Concept (1 equal level)
- "NEL BLU DIPINTO DI BLU" by L. Baldi, C. Bassi, A. Fiorucci, S. Fontanella, P. Margheriti, S. Melchiorri, F. Petrucci, N. Proietti - "Relax immerso nella stori " by Davide Giannuzzi
- "A23M" by Matteo Pietrantonio
- "Agora Mediterranea: Mostra 2.0" by C. Buonocore, A. Franciosa, R. Napolano, A. Pannone, G. Vosa
4th cl (50 points) - "LA CULATA - MERIDA" by Lelio Oriano Di Zio
5th cl (40 points) - "PARCO DELL'ACQUA SOLFUREA" by Eleanora Buccini