The Encadde vineyard
His name is Antonio D'Abundo, but everyone knows him as Floruccio. Descendant of a family of Panza census in 1500, after traveling on merchant ships for many years, he returned permanently in his native country, he started a family, opened a stationery shop and dedicated to fulfilling a dream. With painstaking patience has indeed sought and saved from certain "oversight" at least 50 local vineyards, including also those ones of ancient tradition of Ischia. Grapes of that island that was once called Aenaria, ie Land of Wine.
Grapes of that island that was once called Aenaria, ie Land of Wine.
Floruccio, the last a scholar of ancient history, went to look for varieties of Ischia and lovingly replanted them in this lovely vineyard; not only saved a part of the farming culture of the island but also carried out a careful analysis of lexical names of grape varieties and local wines and is penetrated with wisdom in the midst of popular traditions, collecting anecdotes, stories and legends.
We meet in a hot June afternoon and he is telling us about the secrets and the facets of "his" Encadde. Vineyard.
“The history of this vineyard was founded about 20 years ago; when I directly cultivated the vineyards of my parents came to know of the existence of different varieties of grapes on the island of Ischia and from the moment the vines me all looked the same kind is the curiosity to know all these varieties mentioned in 800 by two leading agronomists, Giuseppe Frojo and Nesbitt incariati by the then minister of regional census vines island of Ischia because of phylloxera, a disease of the screws. I am intrigued and then I tried these different types of screws: I have taken the names of Frojo and Nesbitt and I found new ones thanks to the farmers I interviewed in this regard. Slowly I tried to grow them all and I have plugged into my vineyard, which now gathers all the varieties of the island of Ischia is a kind of island of Ischia in miniature with regard to the vineyards. It started the vineyard so that of Encadde is located in Bellomo (Montecorvo) in Panza.
Each grape obviously has its history and its characteristics; then here you can find the Cole Cavè whose name means tail hidden, because the grapes are covered by leaves and is a particular grape that achieves high alcohol content, and from which it drew a very sweet dessert called "Lacrima Christi"; the Lentischio is rather typical of Forio, is a very productive vine, also with a high alcohol content; don Lunarde is strictly Panza: the legend says that he was born a wild vine in front of the house of a priest named Don Lunard, behind the parish, and this pastor did this seedling grow, cared for and built a pergola: quantity of grapes produced was very high so I was surprised that people and many people went to this pastor to take the branches of his vine and play; Grape Campotese in Campotese looks green stalk with red, very sweet grape, characterized by a particularly tough skin, unlikely to rot; grapes broom, typical of Epomeo, but it's a grape that could be called "wild" because it does not fit easily into our pruning and is not easily tamed, not having large storage capacity of starch that allows the vine to grow the next year. Obviously the vines that benefit most of all optimum exposure to the sun on our island are located in the area between Forio and Panza, ensuring greater photosynthesis useful to the maturation of a grape rich in nutrients".
Floruccio chose a name for his vineyard in the present " Storia dell’Isola d’Ischia" by D’Ascia: “In me is a kind of inner strength just to keep all our vines which we also talked about D’ Ascia saying that Ischia is so beautiful and lush with its land and its vineyards that looks like the vineyard of Encadde the land of Jericho, described in the Bible”.
In recent times it has returned to speak with the force of a disease that is taking our vines: the golden flavescence. “We are to deal with this disease, tells us Floruccio, we do free courses on the graft. With globalization has also globalized the world of insects, plants importing from China, importing from foreign countries even insects in our area do not have insects and antagonists that produce serious damage. Using chemistry is something very dangerous to your health so we are convinced that before the coming of the winemaker and the vineyard then, that’s why we use only natural technique is possible that is the graft, which allows us to not let nor open these insects in our vineyard”.
All vines of Encadde are treated without sulfites nor chemicals but only with verdigris, sulfur and lime.
It is possible to visit the Encadde Vineyard by appointment every day, and know that through the history of each vineyard the history of our country. You’ll find yourself immersed in a timeless wonder, able to restore to wonder and amazement that all too often lost.
Visit Vineyard
Historical and genological viticulture path
From Greek mythology to 1960: Zeus and the Cyclops - The landing of Ulysses - Landing of Aeneas - The Eubei - The burial of Magone - The Romans -
The Saracens - The Normans - The Aragonese - The Spanish Viceroyalty -
The Bourbons - The French - The unification of Italy.
• Projecting images of old cellars, tools, grapes and corners of the island.
• Observation of fumaroles, ravens, crows, hawks and buzzards (binoculars recommended)
• Wine tasting accompanied by fresh seasonal produce harvested in the vineyard by visitors.
GROUP: Max 15 people - can accommodate two groups crossing routes.
LANGUAGE: dialog in English- Italian
Capt. D’Abundo is waiting to sail with him in time to the knowledge of old knowledge, tastes and smells of the island of Ischia.
For more info contact Capt. Antonio D'Abundo:
Phone 081.909500
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.