Poseidon, the pearl of the Mosaic
“The spa of the island of Ischia represent a mosaic of natural healing in which the individual tiles are to be reinforced in synergy each other”. This was stated by prof. Massimo Mancioli (1921-1994) one of the most distinguished physicians of-hydrologists of the island of Ischia and author of a seminal text on the therapeutic power of Ischia.
In this natural mosaic where the Water is Life, Poseidon Gardens represent the pearl.
A natural and thermal park located in Forio, the “second capital” of the island, overlooking the beautiful bay of Citara, framed in a setting of rare natural beauty, a complex of 22 pools with temperatures ranging from 28 to 40 degrees. Of these, three are fed with heated sea water, while all the other with thermal water drawn from underground. A group of four pools is placed inside a covered structure.
To completion of the thermal path, there are the well-equipped health club, sauna, natural carved into the rock and the Japanese bath, a path strewn with pebbles on which to walk to stimulate the circulation and provide a sense of general well-being.
The park covers over 60,000 square meters, and is molded in steps, according to the traditional system of terraces connected by stairways and walkways surrounded by greenery.
A great deal of attention is devoted to the care of the plants, the flowers from the spontaneous ones, present everywhere and diligently cared for the main purpose of the activity to coexist thermal resort with the environment.
Mrs. Lucia Beringer is for a few years at the helm of the thermal park that her Dad Anton bought by tycoon German Ludwig Kuttner.
“The extraordinary longevity of this park is the result of work that involves us non-stop for 12 months a year. The opening to the public - which runs from April to November - sees the commitment of more than 100 employees located in departments as diverse as parking, reception, cleaning and wardrobe, swimming pools and beaches, restaurants, gardens, spa and so on. The staff is the same for several years, is properly trained and able to offer a service to the top. Great attention is paid to the reduction and separation of waste. Respect for the environment continues with the absolute renunciation to chemicals to treat plants and waters of our swimming pools. During the winter period, there shall be a program of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance very challenging: the proximity of the sea and consuming accelerates the deterioration of structures and facilities. In this phase are repaired stone walls, the mosaic covering the tanks, rebuilt installations, plastering, re-painted chairs and loungers, straw umbrellas repaired. The most important investments concern the restructuring of more complex structures: every year we try to insert some important news for the benefit of our guests; on this aspect can be satisfied with what has been done to date: the numbers are quite encouraging and we are especially pleased with the overall quality of our guests. Good directions to all the tourism coming from the renewed interest in the island by foreigners”. Mrs. Beringer explains.
The economy of the island of Ischia is affected by the global crisis that is affecting us, on this and future projects of Poseidon, Lucia Beringer has clear ideas:
“Ischia is an island rich in resources, as well as throughout Italy. To protect, conserve and properly take advantage of this immense wealth of resources should be among the first targets of a good government. We should increase the overall quality of services, from transport to roads, waste collection, from reception to catering. Much needs to be done to protect the environment, from the control of the territory to the creation of purifiers, just to name a few. We professionals we must do our utmost to offer high quality services at a fair price. We have to make sure that those who come to Ischia willing to go back and make a good advertisement. A simple recipe!
Even all the work and the huge investments made each year in our thermal park have the aim to create a complex that alongside the well-being that natural healing and prevention of certain diseases. For years, studies are underway and collaborations with leading European universities develop research on the beneficial effects of our waters. Therefore, the construction of a multipurpose space inside with a modern spa, space for dining and events is one of the projects we're working on. This new structure would result in a significant impact on the area in terms of employment, induced and incoming emphasizes”. Archt. Beringer explains.
The Thermal Park Poseidon also offers excellent dining facilities and there are striking gorges as the “Cave of Wine”, one of the most beautiful places in the Poseidon Gardens with a stunning view over the bay of Citara. Here Antonio presents its guests with tasty cold appetizers including the famous bruschetta, one of the best on the island, according to the many tourists who visit it daily, and good taste is the octopus salad or mozzarella DOC, all accompanied by a glass of local wine.
“This is truly one of the most charming places of Poseidon”, says Antonio, “in these caves carved into the rock, the harvest was done by our ancestors, hence the name of the wine cave!”
The Poseidon Gardens have an international clientele after the great season of the German Tourism of the 1970s.
“The Germans are always loyal guests but now we are open to East European and Russian tourists and Czechs while we also record the British and French tourists as well as numerous Italian”, explains Andrea Albano, Executive Director of the Gardens.
The pearl of the mosaic retains all its charm beyond fashion.