Visiting wineries 2017
The smiling face of Anna Falchi, testimonial of a special edition. A renewed formula to celebrate the decade without naturally forgetting the philosophy of an event that exalts the bond between wine and territory, island and identity, myths and rituals.
From September 10 to 20, returns “Visiting wineries” organized by the Pro Loco Panza with the aim of leading tourists and islanders through the most truly beautiful corners of the island. Cellars and vineyards will tell in the wake of a lucky scenario that last year involved over two thousand visitors, the soul of a territory that since time immemorial has shown that it is able to celebrate the art of vintage. Also witnessed by the archaeological finds of the Greek age, first the famous Nestor Cup, on which a true hymn is written on wine.
Even this year, “Visiting wineries” proposes a series of reasoned itineraries in the heart of the peasant island, with stages in the most hidden cellars and tastings of refined quality. Specialized guides, along with peasants and winemakers, will unveil the secrets of a very ancient tradition, which can be renewed on an island that rediscovers and relocates zero miles products, from “piennolo” to jams, to of course, the grapes, the indisputable queen of the lush Ischitan hills.
«We are proud to celebrate the tenth edition of “Visiting Wineries” - says Leonardo Polito, president of Pro Loco Panza - a reality that is something more than a poster of events and routes dedicated to wine and places of the vintage . It’s the opportunity to dive into one of the oldest stories on the island, crossing the times and places of its countryside and its hills».
The well-known promenade in the moonlight (“Cantinando sotto le stelle”) and a series of ad hoc menus created with fancy by restaurants and inns that have
proudly responded to the appeal, embellish this year an articulated program. It embraces “Cento cantine in mezzo al mare”, the event that rewards the peasant island, with a special eye to the new generations. Pro Loco Panza will once again award prestigious awards to the work of men and women who, directly or indirectly, continue to engage in passion for the valorisation of the precious agricultural heritage of the island of Ischia.
But the protagonist, from September 10 to 20, will be mainly wine, in its Ischitian varieties, fruit of the biancolella, forastera and per e palummo vines, over 50 years since the establishment of the controlled designation of origin.
Stories that are renewed, because the inevitable challenge is that of an eco-sustainable island, able to preserve and enhance its identities. Starting with the wine, “Visiting Wineries”, an instrument by which it becomes even more memorable to “read” the island of Ischia, to understand its history and to appreciate its landscapes.
Here, its cultivation has even become heroic, as in the rugged hills of Campagnano, where is set one of the most evocative paths of the event coming up.
An imaginative journey that pleases the five senses and fascinates everyone. Starting with Anna Falchi, testimonial of the event.
By Pasquale Raicaldo