The sea is a craft that wakes up in the morning

Sea of Ischia
To me the sea is the eternal union of my gaze, of my land, with the future horizon of infinity. It is the timeless projection, which manages to make past, present and future coexist in an eternal maliconic joy. It is the most ductile essence of human and animal matter; it is the absurd game of life that traces the origins of life in the cosmos.
It is an encounter with love for the earth, one’s own and that which welcomes others. For me the sea is paved with light and paving stones, it is the mystery of a living being that can seemingly hide in it, with simplicity. The sea is a craft that wakes up in the morning, whatever it is, it is a boat, a goiter that faces the bad weather (it can never be a rubber dinghy, because like a sailor taking a selfie, in the mountains, telling the wind in a storm). For me the sea is a political theater, a dumpster of undifferentiated, stinking rubbish, of human beings who have always been abandoned to themselves. For me the sea exists on the earth, from Serrara Fontana, when I descend towardsPanza, through curves of a life in descent, which awaits my gaze to experience the emotion of the eternal present. There are no taverns by sea.